All contents is copyrighted to me under a Creative Commons 3.0 BY-NC-SA license, Jo FRGMNT Grys, unless stated otherwise.
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My name is Toemsak Srikhirin. I am contacting you on behalf of the committee of the Academic of Science Terminology in the branch of Nanomaterials Terminology Dictionary, the Royal Society of Thailand, we are in the process of preparing this Terminology Dictionary. We have included your figures published in the website of,
we thus would like to ask your permission to publish your figures or pictures in our technical dictionary. This dictionary shall be distributed among Thai secondary school students, high school students, university students and general public with the minimum charge to cover the printing cost.
On behalf of the committee, I would appreciate it highly if you could let us know about your permission to use the figures. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and I look forward to getting your response.
We can send you the exact figure which we will use in the dictionary.
Comment by Toemsak Srikhirin — 24 August 2015 @ 17:27
No problem, Toemsak. Email sent..
Comment by .. — 24 August 2015 @ 20:07