frgmnt org

1 September 2019

Online STORE

Filed under: — .. @ 15:50

Original Art

These Picture are drawn with the help of my installation object BiPolar.

In this a fight is going on between two forces:
- the deterministic program code
- the physicality of the object, which is NOT an engineering product, but a real object in a real quantum mechanical universe.

So precision is futile, beauty the output after several hours..

* Polo_Stepper 6 BiPolar Pololu Driver -> GORZOW

void setup() // ### Full STEPs ###
// Set Pins as Outputs
pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // Direction Motor R (LOW = clockwise)
pinMode(3, OUTPUT); // Step Motor R - PWM-Pin
pinMode(4, OUTPUT); // Direction Motor L (LOW = clockwise)
pinMode(5, OUTPUT); // Step Motor L - PWM-Pin

void loop() //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
delay (20000); // 20 sec StartTime
int delay_Step = 24 ; // Very SLOW 5rpm Start stepdelay in ms

for(int stepnumber=1;stepnumber<601;stepnumber=stepnumber+2) // 0..600 squares small to big
digitalWrite(2, LOW); // Set Motor Direction R -> CW
for (int count=1;count { // #1
digitalWrite(3, HIGH); // Right Pulse
digitalWrite(3, LOW);
digitalWrite(4, LOW); // Set Motor Direction L -> CW
for (int count=1;count { // #2
digitalWrite(5, HIGH); // Left Pulse
digitalWrite(5, LOW);

digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // Set Motor Direction R -> CCW
for (int count=1;count { // #3
digitalWrite(3, HIGH); // -Right Pulse
digitalWrite(3, LOW);

digitalWrite(4, HIGH); // Set Motor Direction L -> CCW
for (int count=1;count { // #4
digitalWrite(5, HIGH); // -Left Pulse
digitalWrite(5, LOW);

if (stepnumber>100){ // DYN FAST depends on stepnumber
delay_Step = 2; } // 60 rpm
if (stepnumber>50){ // DYN MEDIUM
delay_Step = 6; } // 20 rpm
if (stepnumber>30){ // DYN SLOW
delay_Step = 12; // 10 rpm
} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



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